For PlayStation Now streaming, the devil’s in the unknown details

[~Time Published January 12, 2014 at 10:21PM]


The exact size and makeup of that "library of games" is going to be quite important to Now's success.

Over 18 months after purchasing streaming game company Gaikai, Sony finally announced a summer launch date for its own streaming game service—PlayStation Now—at CES this week. I got to check out a demo of the service running on a Bravia TV and PlayStation Vita on the show floor, and at first I was pretty impressed. The games ran with no discernible lag between button input and on-screen action, and while there were some video compression artifacts and color clumping from the streaming process, the 720p image looked decent enough.

Then I asked a nearby representative where exactly these games were being streamed from. "Oh, we have a Gaikai server running down the hall" he replied nonchalantly.

The representative went on to explain that external Internet access was not ideal on the crowded CES show floor and that the company wanted to provide a proof of concept for the service rather than a "live" demonstration. That's all well and good, but a demo streamed from a local server tells users almost nothing about what the PlayStation Now experience will be like in the real world.

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