Live from Expand: Google Glass Senior Developer Advocate Timothy Jordan

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[Time Published November 09, 2013 at 10:16PM]

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Live from Expand Google Glass senior developer advocate Timothy Jordan

Still got lots of questions about Google Glass? Yeah, us too. The wearable’s Senior Product Advocate Timothy Jordan will be joining us on stage to discuss hardware as a platform, the company’s visions for the technology and why Glass represents Google’s future.

November 9, 2013 11:45:00 AM EST

Follow all of Engadget’s Expand coverage live from New York City right here!

Filed under: Google


The post Live from Expand: Google Glass Senior Developer Advocate Timothy Jordan appeared first on AIVAnet.

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[Source: http://www.aivanet.com/2013/11/live-from-expand-google-glass-senior-developer-advocate-timothy-jordan/] | Image URL: http://www.aivanet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/timothy-jordan-expand-lead.jpg]

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