Two decades after he vanished, Red Baron's creator is back

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[Time Published October 26, 2013 at 12:12AM]

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In 1994, Damon Slye - the man best known as creator of a series of historic flight simulator that included Red Baron - got his pilot's license, bought a plane and left the industry for good.

At least it seemed that way. "I needed a break," he tells Polygon, now officially returning to the Red Baron license he first helped develop in 1990. Slye started in the industry at 18 and later co-founded the games development studio Dynamix. "I was burnt out," he says.

"We started a game company and grew it from two people to two hundred. It was a great ride, but I needed a break. We sold to Sierra, who by the way, were great partners, and I did the work I'm most proud of after the acquisition. But, I had been making games pretty much 24-7...

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[Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/10/25/5027564/two-decades-after-he-vanished-red-barons-creator-is-back] | Image URL: http://cdn0.sbnation.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/21746211/86926889ee03d8232059051398a7ce39_large.0_cinema_720.0.jpg]

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