Grand Theft Auto 5 parody takes you to the barbershop

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[Time Published October 13, 2013 at 05:34AM]

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Australian comedy duo Max and Sam created a live-action Grand Theft Auto 5 parody that highlights a few of the game's more humors quirks.

Although the video's star is ready to begin a mission, his hair isn't quite up to snuff. Watch above as he takes a trip the barbershop — with some alarming side encounters.

For more of Max and Sam's work, including parodies of Dark Souls and Metal Gear Solid, check out their YouTube channel.

Grand Theft Auto 5 launched last month. You can read our review here.

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[Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/10/12/4830974/grand-theft-auto-5-parody-takes-you-to-the-barbershop] | Image URL: http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png]

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