Lucasfilm says video game engines will 'take the post out of post-production' for filmmakers

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[Time Published September 25, 2013 at 10:07PM]

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Lucasfilm knows a thing or two about making movies, and executives at the company are convinced that video game engines will play a huge role in film production within the next decade. Chief technology strategy officer Kim Libreri laid out the company's vision at BAFTA in London this week. Libreri says that computer graphics will eventually evolve to a point that allows video game assets to be inserted in scenes in realtime — drastically lessening the burden of post-production for filmmakers. "Everyone has seen what we can do in movies, and I think most people will agree the video game industry is catching up quite quickly, especially in the next generation of console title," Libreri said.

"You'll leave a movie set and the shot is...

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[Source: http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/25/4769904/lucasfilm-video-game-engines-will-take-the-post-out-of-post-production] | Image URL: http://cdn2.sbnation.com/entry_photo_images/9031517/star_wars_large.jpg]

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