You can now use PayPal in the PlayStation Store on PS3

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[Time Published November 01, 2013 at 10:26PM]

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PlayStation Network users now have the option of using PayPal for purchases in the PlayStation Store on PlayStation 3, Sony announced today.

PayPal, the most popular payment system on the web, is now one of the options when you're funding your Sony Entertainment Network wallet on your console. You'll be able to add an amount between $5 and $150 (the maximum for the PSN wallet) using PayPal.

This past January, Sony began allowing people to add money to their PSN wallets through the web, and as of August, people have been able to fund their wallets from their mobile phones.

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[Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/11/1/5055346/playstation-store-psn-paypal] | Image URL: http://cdn3.sbnation.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/22206515/psn-paypal_1288.0_cinema_720.0.jpg]

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