Oculus Rift could 'eventually' run Android as a standalone system

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[Time Published October 19, 2013 at 08:09PM]

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Virtual reality headset Oculus Rift could one day run Android through a system of its own, Oculus VR chief technology officer John Carmack recently told Engadget.

The headset currently runs with the assistance of a PC. According to Carmack, a free device with no wire to drag off your shoulder would "make a big difference."

"The way I believe it's going to play out is you will eventually have a head-mounted display that probably runs Android, as a standalone system, that has a system-on-a-chip that's basically like what you have in mobile phones," Carmack said.

You can watch the full interview at Engadget. The HD consumer-friendly version of the Oculus Rift is expected sometime next year. Standard definition developer kits were sent to...

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[Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/10/19/4855244/oculus-rift-could-eventually-run-android-as-a-standalone-system] | Image URL: http://cdn0.sbnation.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/21407861/oculus-rift-prototype_800.0_cinema_720.0.jpg]

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