Happy Birthday, Windows Phone; Microsoft’s mobile platform celebrates its third year

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[Time Published October 13, 2013 at 08:05AM]

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Lumia 1020 Lumia 800

The head of Windows Phone at Microsoft, Joe Belfiore, took to Twitter today to announce the birthday of the company’s mobile platform. Windows Phone indeed turns 3 today. That’s not all, not only has it been three years since the first Windows Phone, but also since the Metro (or now “Modern”) UI was released into the world.

The post Happy Birthday, Windows Phone; Microsoft’s mobile platform celebrates its third year appeared first on AIVAnet.

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[Source: http://www.aivanet.com/2013/10/happy-birthday-windows-phone-microsofts-mobile-platform-celebrates-its-third-year/] | Image URL: http://aivanet.cdn.aivanet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/lumia1020_lumia800.jpg]

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