Star Trek director J.J. Abrams 'emotionally hurt' by Star Trek: The Video Game (Maxim Bange shared items on The Old Reader (RSS))

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[Time Published September 13, 2013 at 03:15PM]

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Director J.J. Abrams revealed he was "emotionally hurt" by the quality of Star Trek: The Video Game, believing his film Star Trek Into Darkness suffered because of it, GamerHubVideos reports.

Abrams and his team dropped their involvement with the video game spin-off once the direction of the game became clear, he said during a launch party for the film's DVD.

"The last game, which was obviously a big disappointment to me, was something that we were actually involved in from the very beginning and then we sort of realized it was not going in a place where we were going to get what we wanted, so we dropped out and they continued to do it despite... y'know." he said.

"To me the video game could have been something that actually really...

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[Source: Maxim Bange shared items on The Old Reader (RSS) http://www.polygon.com/2013/9/13/4726170/star-trek-director-j-j-abrams-emotionally-hurt-by-star-trek-the-video] | Image URL: http://cdn0.sbnation.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/19457675/startrek3.0_cinema_720.0.jpg]

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