Read this: How Hiroshi Yamauchi took Nintendo from wooden playing cards to the age of Super Mario

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[Time Published September 25, 2013 at 03:15PM]

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Former Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi passed away this morning, at the age of 85. His legacy is incredible. During his fifty-three year reign, he turned his great-grandfather's Japanese playing card company into the cornerstone of the video game industry.

In 1994, journalist and New York Times bestselling author David Sheff wrote the book on how Nintendo got that way. In Game Over: How Nintendo Conquered The World , he details how the first male Yamauchi in three generations ruled Nintendo with an iron fist, how the 21-year-old Yamauchi first fired the old guard and then drove the company towards business after failed business (including love hotels — it was said Yamauchi was his own best customer) to satisfy his ambitions.


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[Source: http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/19/4749264/read-this-nintendo-hiroshi-yamauchi-game-over-david-sheff] | Image URL: http://cdn2.sbnation.com/entry_photo_images/8986575/1242976446eQ5WuRm7_large.jpg]

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