Antichamber and the journey of life (Maxim Bange shared items on The Old Reader (RSS))

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[Time Published September 11, 2013 at 06:32PM]

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lexander Bruce has a beard.
Making this observation as a point of small talk, however, turns out to be a bad idea. "I hate small talk!" Bruce says, smiling broadly.

"The beard is a response to [the Game Developers Conference] this year," he says. "After years of always having something to demo, I just wanted to chill out. I didn't anticipate having to deal with random fans coming up to chat. I'm introverted, and it was draining. I wasn't in the right mental state. I didn't want to disappoint these people. But I couldn't deal with it.

"So I decided I would go off and change my appearance entirely."

He's done a thorough job. A thick beard and distressed mohawk hairstyle make him barely recognizable as the face most commonly...

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[Source: Maxim Bange shared items on The Old Reader (RSS) http://www.polygon.com/features/2013/9/11/4614458/antichamber-and-the-journey-of-life] | Image URL: http://cdn3.sbnation.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/18231411/by-default-2013-08-20-at-1.38.53-pm.0_cinema_720.0.jpg]

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